The differences between day-neutral and everbearing strawberry harvests

The differences between day-neutral and everbearing strawberry harvests

Day-neutral strawberries are different from everbearing strawberries in their ability to produce fruit for an extended season. Day-neutral strawberries, also called «perpetual» strawberries, can produce fruit throughout the growing season as long as temperatures remain between 35 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They are not affected by day length, so their fruiting is not tied to specific times of the year.

On the other hand, everbearing strawberries are typically grown in two crops: one in the early summer and another in the fall. They are not true everbearing since they do not fruit continuously throughout the growing season like day-neutral strawberries. Everbearing strawberries are usually of superior quality when compared to day-neutral varieties. However, cultivation and harvesting take longer, and the yields are usually lower.

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